Thursday 1 September 2022

A central heating system is a big investment and it's important that you make sure that you get the most out of it. One of the biggest things you can do to help your system is power flush it regularly. This will make sure that all the waste products in your radiators are flushed out and replaced with fresh new water, meaning they're working at their best! 

Your system is noisy - If you can hear your boiler running or the pump, it may be time for a Powerflush. If you can hear the expansion vessel running, it’s likely that the system is clogged up with sediment and needs a Powerflush. 

Your boiler keeps turning itself off - If your boiler keeps turning itself off, the most common reason is that there's dirty water in the system. Dirty pipes can cause an electrical short and cause it to turn itself off. This is dangerous because if you don't know what's going on with your central heating system, it could be deadly! If this happens to you, call a professional immediately so they can powerflush your entire heating system. 

The system has become sluggish - It takes longer than usual to heat up- If your system takes longer than usual to heat up, it could be a sign that it needs a powerflush. You should get one if you notice any of these symptoms: 
  • Your boiler is making strange noises or smells like something's burning 
  • You're getting a lot of condensation on windows, walls and ceilings (more than normal) 

You can see rusty water in the radiator- If you see rusty water in the radiator, it's a sign that your heating system is sediment building up. Sediment is a residue of plant and animal matter that collects on the inside of pipes, radiators, and other parts of your central heating system.

Sediment can reduce the efficiency of your system as it clogs up vital parts like valves and filters which then cause problems with your house or business. 

You should get Powerflush if: 
  • You've seen rusty water in the radiator; 
  • You have black deposits on all surfaces within 200mm (8 inches) around radiators; 
  • There's visible mould growing inside pipes or under taps where no water comes out at all 

You should powerflush if any of these things happen 

If you are in the market for a new central heating system and looking for ways to keep your old one running well, then powerflushing is an important part of the process. 

Powerflushing can help ensure that your system continues working as efficiently as possible by removing any dirt or debris from inside its pipes and systems. This will help prevent clogs and other issues that could lead to more serious problems down the line. 


It’s important to note that powerflush will only work if your system has been properly installed and maintained. If you have any doubts about what needs to be done, please contact an expert for Power Flushing London - LJB Heating and Plumbing!

Wednesday 13 April 2022

You can find boilers in approximately every commercial building, hospital, cleaning facility and numerous offices across London. This equipment plays a significant role in our life as it satiates our hot water needs. Regular boiler maintenance will help you identify minor problems that can become serious if not treated in time. Make an appointment with a professional boiler engineer in London if you notice any of the following warning signs.

boiler warning signs - LJB Heating & Plumbing

 1. Water leakage

Water leakage leads to rust or corrosion, which can severally damage the boiler. You might notice water leakage on the floor, or a hidden leakage might result in rusting of the your boiler pipes. Early detection can help you save money, time and headaches later on.

Leakages result in many harmful effects such as overheating, pressure fluctuations and many more. Sometimes it causes rusting in relief value and makes it inoperable, which is a significant safety risk. 

2. Weird noises

While it is common to hear sounds of motor and pump, some strange noises could indicate a vital problem.

These might occur due to the accumulation of iron or sediments in the water tank. It also makes noises when the boiler need service.

If the boiler’s oil burner is making loud bangs when started, you should have it inspected immediately as this could lead to an explosion.

3. Pilot light going out

If you notice inconsistencies with your pilot light or yellow flame instead of a blue flame- it’s a clear indication that your boiler is dangerous. It generally happens when there is too much gas inside the boiler. There has two main results of this:-

1. As yellow flames can’t burn as hot as blue falses. It will not sufficiently heat the thermocouple and shut down the gas supply to the boiler.

2. It can also release carbon monoxide into the air. Carbon monoxide poisoning results in:

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Headaches

  • Breathlessness

4. Boiler shut down 

A clogged filter or a blocked air supply could be the reason behind the boiler stoppage. Boiler failure due to insufficient air can result in danger. Many times a loose electrical connection, thermostat failure trigger this problem. You must take the help of a professional boiler engineer in London to inspect the issue as soon as possible. 

5. Metallic Odor and carbon monoxide

Fuel leaks sometimes result in metallic smells. It is essential to resolve this problem as the boiler can catch fire. This smell could also indicate a possible carbon monoxide leakage. 

If it smells like sulfur, your boiler may need a new anode. A bacteria that grows on magnesium and aluminium leads to this odour.

Moreover, if the carbon monoxide detector sounds its alarm, get all the gas and oil equipment checked as soon as possible. 

At last, we hope the above signs will help you catch dangerous boiler problems- at an early stage. Even though you don’t notice any above signs still, you need to have your boiler examined at least once a year.

Friday 28 May 2021

Central heating units or boilers that are installed in several homes these days are a combi. The combi boilers are also known as condensing combination boilers. This kind of boiler is a combination of a gas central heating system and a water heater. Combi boilers offer heat and hot water directly from a boiler. These combination boilers are quite inventive, and also devices that help to save space in your home. This is why they are widely used throughout. Combi boilers are very effective in heating water and they also work like central heating boilers and are a combination that allows double functions in a single small machine. This ensures that there will be no requirement to have separate hot water containers, which helps to generate a space-saving system.
combi boiler - heating engineer london
The following are some major benefits of using a combi boiler:
  • Combi boilers do not collect or heat water for any private use. Instead, when the tap is initiated, you will have a consecutive quantity of heated water. The conventional boilers were mostly used to warm the area reserve of heated water into a separate cylinder or container. These types of boilers are less costly than traditional boilers because they are more comfortable to manage or operate. Also, there are fewer components to repair and install.
  • There are numerous benefits to using the combi boiler over the conventional boiler. Because there are some parts with the conventional system that are never required for the combi boiler, which makes them more affordable to set into place.
  • With a combi boiler, you will never require to have a separate container for the room of the heated water. This means you will not be heating extra water that you are not going to use. When you use a separate tank for the hot water storage, it will always be heating the water again and again.
  • One more benefit of using the combi boiler or heating system is that it will provide you with a huge of hot water that is heated to the temperature that is required for showering, hand washing, washing dishes and other regular uses. When water comes from the main tank, it is heated, so, no energy is continued to heat the tank that is sufficient of collected water whenever you are showering.
  • You do not require to always attach a water pump to raise any water stress, because all heated water is coming directly from the shower from the strength of the main source. As a consequence, with the regular hot water and enough pressure, you will be ready to get a pleasant hot shower when you need it.

Besides, this combi boiler is not suitable for every home, but in most circumstances, the benefits of these boilers are quite well. Most homeowners are very satisfied with the design of this combi boiler, as it will save with its potential use.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

The boiler is one of the vital home appliances used by most households. Therefore, maintaining a boiler or central heating system is a very significant job in your house maintenance. It will be a nightmare if your boiler or central heating system fails to operate. Also, major boiler repairs can be a costly experience as well as it can present many other difficulties along with troubles. So, regular maintenance is necessary to avoid many of the problems and trouble that happens when your boiler breaks down. Moreover, it will aid you to evade expensive repairs and help to maintain your boiler operating more efficiently, resulting in more economical energy bills, particularly during the colder weather of the year. Most manufacturers suggest annual servicing of a boiler, and these programs should not be ignored. The costs of annual service are minimal if you compare it to the expected returns, and even more, advantages are recognized, when the costs of major repairs are reduced as your machine works more efficiently. Make sure your unit is serviced by a qualified and licensed boiler engineer. Although you may not be technically willing, there are a few easy things you can do to ensure that your system remains in good working condition. Take a look at vital tips for spring cleaning your boiler:

Turn off pilot light: When the winter ends, perhaps you would not require your heating system until fall. If you own a gas boiler, you need to turn off your pilot light to save money as well as make sure your home is protected from fire. Check the gas line that supplies fuel into your boiler and look for a pipe. Switch the valve until it closes the supply of gas, which should turn off the pilot light. Keep in mind that you will have to open the gas pipeline and relight your pilot light when you need to turn your boiler on over.

Clean ducts: The working of home heating systems is influenced by heating air in a boiler, which is later funnelled into the place through ventilators. And these vents are attached to the boiler by a group of ducts inside the walls. Over the period, these ducts can become complete particles, particularly if you have pets that are scattered. Hence, you need to develop a habit of cleansing your ducts every spring season. This way you can decrease allergy signs and this enables you to breathe clean and fresh air. Duct cleaning can be an intricate and difficult job for you, so you may need to hire a professional to do this task for you.

Change the air filter: The boiler's air filter operates multiple functions. It prevents the internal components of your heating system from being obstructed by external things. Also, it secures that pollutants are not discharged into the air that you inhale or smell. Nevertheless, throughout the regular operation, air filters could be jammed. So, if you prefer to change your air filter in the season, your heating unit will be able to work more efficiently till the next winter. It is good if you can change your filter every three months or as soon as it starts to appear muddy and dirty.

Clean furnace: The boiler can become dirty and full of rubble, particularly when you operate it all winter days. After every winter period, you must thoroughly clean your boiler. A clean and inspected boiler is more reliable and more efficient as well as it can save you money on your heating charges. A vacuum with a hose can be used to clean the furnace. Simply open your boiler and use the tube attachment to eliminate any dust, carbon, or other collected material. You need to remove the blower to clean the dust behind it as well. If you are not sure how to remove and replace these components on your own, you can call a professional to perform this for you.

spring boiler

Provide yearly service to the furnace: Just like other household devices, your heating systems can break down or become less effective over time as components start to wear out. Sometimes, you may discover a loud banging sound when it turns on, and some other signs. If you ignore these signs, you may need to replace or opt for a new boiler installation. Annual servicing can solve most of these difficulties and spring is the ideal time to provide service to your system.